New - August 14th, 2023

Wow, a new blog page! I never thought I'd make it this far lolol... Well, let me begin with the boring stuff. Not much happened today, just work stuff mainly. I woke up late and stood up late too so I'm shooting myself in the foot here doing this LOL. I did three renders before work today, check them out in the art section of my site (if I remember to update it.) Not really much else to say, it was overall a boring day lolol
See ya later!


Tired - August 15th, 2023

I barely slept last night! It was so hot out today so I felt extra dry lolol. I was off today so it didn't really affect anything, I just chilled at home today. Gonna get to bed early though, I need it. I made vegetable soup today too, it was okay. I think next time I'll make it with chicken broth, I think it'll be better that way. Didn't really follow a recipie, just threw things together that I had lolol. Played some Splatoon 3 for a bit with buddies but other than that not really much else. I'm tired, so I'm gonna go for now, catch ya later!


Waiting - August 16th, 2023

Well, after waiting all day for some Splatoon news, I'm heading to bed hoping we'll get some tomorrow. I worked today, and after that I taught one of my coworkers who just got into Splatoon 3 how to play a little bit. I urged them to do Hero Mode since it really helps out, so I hope they do lolol... After, I played some roblox, I was wanting to see how the face tracking worked with my friends... and it's scary! It looks so bad but its super funny lmfao. Not really much else past that, I'll be heading out for now... Catch ya later!
