Pokemon: Red Version

● This is my first gameplay blog/let's play! I hope what I write is mildly interesting for you to look through... or not. Anyways, I won't make you wait any longer... here's my playthrough of Pokemon: Red Version (emulated of course...):

● Well, I'm going to have to ruin the illusion... my emulator crashed! I have no clue as to why but I'm going to have to replay up to this point later. I haven't played Pokemon Red in quite a while... I think the last time I did was in... 2016? When the special edition new 3DS came out. Every other time I've played a Kanto game it'd be in Fire Red/Leaf Green. Anyways, I named myself and my rival after... well myself and my friend, Stephen. Went through the beginning rigmarole and eventually got to choose my starter Pokemon... and I chose.......

● Squirtle! I haven't gone with a water starter in a bit so I was wanting to change it up. I named him KABLAMMIN! because I was imagining what sounds his turrents would make when he became a Blastoise. Stephen wanted to fight me with his Bulbasaur and given no other option, I was forced into my first Pokemon battle... where I was hit with constant growl spam... Great work there, Stephen.

● Eventually... I waded myself through the attack drops and finally overcame my greatest obstacle up to that point. I emerged victorious over my rival where he proclaimed that he had recieved the "wrong Pokemon!" He was throughly owned. KABLAMMIN! also leveled up from this fight.

● Soon after, I began the journey to Viridian City to grab Oak's parcel. We ran into a few Pidgey and Ratata, but other than that it was no sweat. I finally made it to the Poke-Mart and grabbed the parcel and soon made my way back to Palette Town.

● On the way back, KABLAMMIN! leveled up off of the wild Pokemon.

● Aaaaaaaaaand the parcel was delivered. I don't get why he can't get his own grandson to do his chores... Whatever... I got a cool Pokedex out of it. Stephen bragged to me about how he said he was gonna set out for his adventure and was going to tell his sister to not get me a map... what an asshole. I went over there out of spite... and also because a "man without a map is not popular with the ladies." I don't want my girlfriend to think less of me!

● Made my way back to Viridian City (I forgot how much back and forth there is...) I went to the left to Route... I forgot the number but the one right before the League and encountered my next party member! A Nidoran! I caught him no problem and named him RANDO. I trained for a bit, then healed, then headed to fight Stephen... where I got owned.

● I got sent back to the Pokemon Center... where I healed... and then my emulator crashed! Ugh... Well it's whatever I'll be able to get back there real quick. I'll update this next time I get a chance to play. See you then!